Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tensions in North and South Korea

Perhaps because its such an anomaly with its secrets and borders, perhaps because I've seen that James Bond movie about North Korea, but the headline from the NY Times online caught my eye when it said "North Korea Rejects Offer of Aid From South Korea." Initially I'm not that surprised given the opposition in political backgrounds between the two countries, but when the offer concerns humanitarian aid I have to wonder where the benefit is for North Korea in rejecting such an offer? Of course the Communist country is protective but to what extent do its political affiliations have to directly impede the welfare of its people? I guess I shouldn't be surprised because it's not the first time a tyrannical government has refused aid for its own people, but in light of Martin Wolf's exclamation on the inevitability and progress seen in globalization, there seems to be no progress in political integration. Where is the line drawn? Where do politics and economics intercede? Even in two countries geographically so close, globalization has not yet merged the two nations ideologically.

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